2025 Spring Indoor Volleyball (Wed) - Competitive Volleyball · Co-Ed Competitive
6v6 (4M/2W)
- Team Fees
- Regular 80.0 per player + 3.95 Processing Fee
- Late 85.0 per player + 3.95 Processing Fee
- Free Agent Fees
- Free
Get back on the court and play!
This is a competitive-play (ADVANCED SKILL) league and not geared toward beginner or rec-level players. Please see our Winter Saturday Intermediate and Winter Rec for additional skill-level leagues.
Adult league -- 19 years old+
A Co-ed 6 v 6 (4 men / 2 women) indoor game with a minimum of 2 women on the court at all times. This league will include competitive-level teams with each team maintaining a general level of at least Intermediate and above. Each match consists of 3 rally-scoring games to 25, or 55 minutes (3rd game will go to 15 or 21, clock-dependent). Rally leagues play to have fun and to give back. Team captains choose a charity that their team will play for and league champions win a $100 check for their charity!
Officials Fee Policy - Important - please read. Each team will pay the ref directly before the start of the match each week. See below for officials fee. Officials will not start the match before the ref fee is paid in full.
Where we play
- Wilson Gym, Zarephath, NJ. Please note -- we use only one gym and so we have limited team spots.
When we play
- Wednesdays - 6:15 pm-10:30 pm (some BYE weeks or Double Headers may be included in the season). Depending on number of teams, league may be extended.
Team Shirts
Team shirts will be provided to players registering by the registration deadline (April 23rd).
Each team will play 8 matches (3 games per match); 6 regular season games and playoffs/consolation games. The number of teams to make the playoffs varies by how many teams are in the league, but all teams play a minimum of 8 matches. Some BYE weeks or Double Headers may be included in the season, depending on number of teams.
$80/player plus $3.95 processing fee thru April 1st. Late Registration begins April 2nd at $85/player plus processing fee.
Officials fee: $15/team each night
Captains: Be the leader and get a Captain's Refund Credit: captains who bring a full team (minimum 8 people for captain's credit) will receive their registration fee back onto their account to use as a credit toward any future league. Click register and sign up as a 'Team Captain', name your team and complete registration. Your teammates will be able to register for your team once you've set up the team. Any team player registering after the registration deadline (Jan 20th) will not receive a team shirt.
Team Players: If you've already confirmed with your captain, register as a 'Team Player' and select his/her team from the drop-down menu. Please do not register for a team if you have not received the go-ahead from the captain.
Free Agents: If you are a solo player/free agent and wish to play in our Wed night competitive volleyball league, please register as a free agent. You will not be charged until we find you a spot on a team. Most teams come in as a full team in this league and free agents are typically difficult to place; we'll first make sure that there's a spot for you with Captain's approval. Please do not register for a team if you have not yet spoken with the captain -- if you do so, you may be subject to refund fees if we have to remove and refund you. We may even get enough free agents to put together a free agent team.
League Registration Includes:
Six week regular season and 2 week playoffs/consolation (possibly 3 weeks), a chance to win a donation for your team's charity, one Rally team shirt, game equipment, standings and a great group of people!
League Notes:
Now accepting registrations!