2024 Fall Softball (Thursday) Softball · Co-Ed Intermediate
- Team Fees
- Regular 65.0 per player + 3.95 Processing Fee
- Free Agent Fees
- Free
League Update: Due to summer games, some teams may start the Fall on Sept 5th and some teams may start Sept 12th.
Get on the field and play
A Co-ed 10 v 10 (7 men / 3 women) game with a minimum of 3 women on the field at all times. We play a slow pitch, 6-12 feet high arc game that lasts 7 innings or a maximum of 75 minutes (umpire will call "next inning is last inning" around the 60 min mark). Rally leagues play to have fun and to give back. Team captains choose a charity from our list of local organizations that their team will play for and league champions win a check for their charity!
Officials Fee Policy - Important - please read. Each team will pay the Umpire directly before the start of the match each week. See below for officials fee. Officials will not start the game before the umpire fee is paid in full.
Teams must have at least 11 players - if you only have 10 players, we may add 1 free agent if one is available. If you wind up only having 10 on the team you will not have a "male sub" allotment in the playoffs.
Where we play
Riverside Park, Piscataway, Columbus Park, Piscataway. Some games will be at Torpey (Bridgewater) through Oct. 10th -- not all teams.
When we play
Please budget in a couple of extra weeks for delays, byes, rainout makeups, etc.
Thursdays: Sept - Oct/Nov. We may play on Halloween if we need to get games in.
Some teams may start the season Sept 5th while others may hold off a week if they are still finishing up Summer league due to rainouts.
Game Times: 6:25pm, 7:40pm, 8:55pm - times may differ, depending on how many teams are in the league
Play Level: Divisions are not guaranteed. We will attempt to segment the league, as we have in the past, into Competitive, Intermediate, and Rec/Social but this will be determined by the number of teams and their skill levels. Captains will be asked for Team Division during registration. Teams may be moved into other divisions if necessary. You may play a team in another division during the regular season if necessary for variety of play; playoffs will be within your division.
Each team will play at 7-8 games; 6 regular season games and 1-2 playoffs (or a scrimmage). The number of teams to make the playoffs varies by how many teams are in the league, but all teams play a minimum of 7 games.
**Season may include some double headers to get ahead of the weather!
$65 per player plus $3.95 processing fee.
$25/team Ump Fee per game
**anyone registering after Aug 24th will not get a shirt the first week of league play; you will have to wait until the 2nd week.
Captains: Be the leader and get a Captain's Refund Credit: captains who bring a full team* will receive their registration fee back onto their account to use as a credit toward any future league (*minimum 13 paid players to receive captain's credit). Click register and sign up as a 'Team Captain', name your team and complete registration. Your teammates will be able to register for your team once you've set up the team.
Team Players: If you've already confirmed with your captain, register as a 'Team Player' and select his/her team from the drop-down menu. Please do not sign up for teams if you have not confirmed your spot with the captain - refund fees may apply.
Free Agents: If you don't have a team, sign up as a Free Agent and we'll talk to captains to find you a spot. Free Agents will register for free initially and will be notified and invoiced when we find you a spot. The acceptance of free agents onto a team is solely made by a team captain. Please do not register directly for a team if you have not spoken to the team captain -- if this happens, you may be subject to refund fees if we have to remove and refund you.
League Registration Includes:
7-8 Week Season: 6 week regular season and 1-2 week playoffs (or a scrimmage), a chance to win a $100 donation check for your team's charity, one Rally team shirt, game equipment, standings and a great group of people!
League Notes:
Registration is closed