2023 Charity Kickball Tournament -- Coed and Women's Divisions Kickball · Any All Levels
10v10 Co-ed and 10v10 Women's Divisions
- Team Fees
- Regular 420.0 per team
- Free Agent Fees
- Regular 35.0
Tournament rainout -- new date is October 21st!
Charity Kickball Tournament: to benefit SCAP -- free youth sports
Time for Fall Ball....Kickball, that is! Rally Social Sports and Not In The Face Kickball League have teamed up to host this fun charity event. All proceeds from this tournament will go to SCAP, Somerset Community Action Program, an organization Rally has partnered with to offer free sports and enrichment programs to under-resourced youth in our communities. See below for more information about them. Join us for a great day!
100% OF THE PROCEEDS GO TO SCAP -- Somerset Community Action Program offers community support like utility assistance for families in need, resume building classes, affordable child care, etc. In 2020, Rally partnered with SCAP to offer under-resourced communities free sports programs for youth such as basketball and volleyball. We're currently working with them to offer a kids' Art Expression Program where we work with the kids on a town mural! These programs are FREE for qualifying families so fundraisers like this one help to keep these programs going. We've reached over 500 kids since we started and hope to open these programs up to even more of our community youth. SCAP continues to broaden horizons for children by offering entrepreneurship and coding classes, music and podcast production clinics, and more.
How To Register - Captains, Team Players, and Free Agents:
- Captains will register their teams on the Rally site for the tournament to secure a spot.
- Click on the red register button and select "register as a Team Captain".
- Name your team, pick a Division -- Co-ed or Women's -- and proceed through registration.
- Captain pays team fee and then Team Players can register under Captain's team (will not be charged).
- Captains will have individual players register directly onto their team by Oct 12th. Players will not be prompted for payment - we need them to register to click the waiver and to organize your roster.
- Team Players will click on the Red Register button, select "Team Player" and select your team from the drop-down menu. Choose your shirt size and complete registration -- you will not be charged because your captain already paid the Team Fee.
FREE AGENTS!! -- want to play but don't have a team? Register as a free agent (not a team player). $35 Free Agent fee -- you will receive a refund if we cannot place you on a team or create a free agent team. Please do not register for a random team from the Team dropdown menu.
Tournament Details:
- 18yo+ to play.
- 2 Divisions: Coed and Women's. Captains select a division at registration.
- Teams consist of 11 - 14 players. Additional players can be added for an additional $35 fee/player.
- If we have enough teams, we may have skill-level divisions. Captains are asked Team Skill Level at registration.
- Every team guaranteed a minimum of 3 games - after that, keep winning to advance.
- $420 per team — price includes ump fees and Team Shirts
- Games at: Hillsborough, NJ -- Docherty Park or Singley Park, depending on number of teams
- Combination of Softball and Grass fields.
- Winners in each division get a team Championship Trophy
- Team shirts will be provided for registered roster players thru Sept 30th. Additional team shirts may be purchased up to 2 weeks prior to event for team spectators, coaches, etc.
- This is a fun & social event...and it's kickball...heat on the feet, not on the street. Let's keep it light, fun, and laid back. Overly aggressive play/behavior toward umps, admins, and other teams won't be tolerated - you'll be asked to leave. This is purely for charity and we're here for fun.
- Team spots are limited - first come, first served.
- Be prepared to play in a very light rain - we might! We recommend that teams bring a tent/canopy for their 'headquarters'. Be creative.
- Rain/Weather Postponement date: Oct 21st, 2023 - please make sure that you can also play on this date!
- Refunds: no refunds unless we fill your team spot; refund fees will apply.
- Register by Sept 30th to be guaranteed team shirts!
Co-ed Format
- Co-ed 10v10 (7M/3W) - at least 3 female players on the field - Must have at least 11 on roster; can have up to 14 players on the roster at flat team rate (may add additional players for a fee). Everyone involved in a game kicks! Players may decide to take a game 'off', but cannot be added in mid-game.
- An ump on every field.
- Pool Play games are 7 innings or 50 min, whichever come first ("next inning is the last inning" will be called around the 40 min mark to ensure we stay to the 50 min mark); Elimination games are 7 innings or 50 min (same time rules); Semi Finals are 7 innings, same time limit; Championship is 7 innings, no time limit.
- Game rules will be sent to captains.
Women's Format
- Women's 10v10. All players must be women - Must have at least 11 on roster; can have up to 14 players on the roster at flat team rate (may add additional players for a fee).
- An ump on every field.
- Pool Play games: Complete info will be posted shortly
- Game rules will be sent to captains
League Notes:
Registration is closed